Friday, November 06, 2009

Cleanin n Cleanin da Donashun Bowls

Human2 n i did acide ta washin all da donated cat bowls we gotted from Ourpets for da kittehs at da ARL. Once dey iz all shiny cleans da kittehs can starts using dem rights away!

I did no nose all dem lil foods bowls will fill up our dishwasher! Dats a lotta kittehs nomming on dey fuds!

I gonna make Edgar dry dem, put dem away n take dey to da car! MOL


  1. That was nice of you to wash all the bowls for the kittehs. We does that too when we takes stuff to the shelter coz they has no dishwasher. You tell Edgar to hop to it.

  2. Man, tons of bowls

  3. Those bowls with the blue rubber on the bottom are the best! They are such a nice, heavy stainless steel.

  4. That was a lot of bowls to wash - those kitties will sure appreciate them!

    Charlemagne and Tamar
