Saturday, October 31, 2009

Haunted Bird Feeder fur Halloween

Me and ma humanz do love Halloween. I do balieves it do be our favoritest howl-iday ever! We did no haz a big pawty dis year but we did haz fun making cuppie cakes and spookie cookies. Last year we did makes a Haunted Bird Feeder and Human2 did go out n finds it fur me.

When it say BEWARE OF CAT it do meanz me! I put da bitey on da birdie feeder n anyfing wot comes to it!

Hai wot over here? Maybe it a ghosty. I best checks it out.

Oh i did get you, you nasty old poltergeist wot hauntses ma birdie feeder.

Az u can see sumfin dun did spooks me while playin wif ma haunter birds feeders.

Fur more on ma birdie feeder checks out dem posts ma human did makes last year.


  1. What a cool haunted bird-feeder. I think scairty ravens would like to live in there!

    Happy Halloween!

  2. i fink maybe der iz raven ghosties in der. it say beware of cat but i fink dat we should beware of POULTRYgeists!
