Monday, October 05, 2009

It Rainin Cat n Dog Pumpkins

Human2 comed home wif a bunch of big orange balls herz called punkins pumpkins. herz said we gonna makes dem into jack-o-lanterns fur halloween. I hads never ever seen one of dese afore. It did smells strange n we removed all da guts from da insides.

Having dun ma part I retired to ma favorite spot on da dining room table (shhhh no tells nobuddy, kai) n waited fur all da hard werks ta be duns. Affer a bunch of hours herz comed out wif a Shawnee-0-lantern ---- i thought it wuz posed ta be a jack-o-lantern!

Makin dese punkins iz hard werks. I gots ta takes a nutter nap while human2 went back to werk on anutter carving.

here iz da shawnee-o-lantern all litted up. purrty nifty huh?

Den herz comed out wif a kitteh cat pumpkin all carved up...

Who herz fink dis iz??? MOL

Purrty gud likeness, no?


  1. OH MY BUNNY!! THOSE jackolanterns are AMAZING!!! WOW!!! dat one looks JUST like you, Boris!!! COOL! did your human roast da seeds?

  2. Those pumpkins are great, Boris. Very good likeness indeed. Who needs a jack-o-lantern when you can have a Boris-o-lantern and a Shawnee-o-lantern. They are much, much better!!

  3. Dose is FURRY kewl pumpkins! I like da Boris-o-lantern bestest cuz you look like me. Yur beans is furry talented. Mom uses patterns fur pumpkins, but they's nowhere near as nice. Yur a good helper.
    PS LEGO? My howse has Legos too! They's carefully stored all ofur da floor of da boy's room.

  4. very cool someone is a good artist

  5. Your human is tres, tres talented.

  6. Very nice job! I wish my jack-o-lanterns would turn out half as good.Looks just like you!

  7. Wow. I am very impressed with your human's work. That is an amazing likeness of you! I bet you had to work very hard looking extra good to keep your human inspired!

  8. OMD! OMD! OMD! A Shawnee-O-Lantern? Mom is BOLing, I mean LOLing, so hard hers eyeballs are leaking all over the place. The boy just comed in so we showed him and was very impressed and LOLing too but his eyeballs didn't leak coz he is a dude. The udder one looks just like you Boris, a Boris-O-Lantern! I can see how human2 must has werked for a gabillion hours on that. Those is so very kewl!

  9. u guys iz so very very nice to me n ma humanz! n zackary human1 will be roastng dem seeds tomorrows affer we pull da guts out of anutter pumpkin.

    We iz werkin on a Mona Lisa-o-lantern 2mro! Wish us luck.

  10. Those are excellent jack-o-lanterns, Boris! Wow! I am very impressed. The Typist is all googly eyed too.

  11. wow me an mom just luvs em, hope we can do 1 !!!!

    Tweetypie !!!

  12. OMC! Those are too funny Boris! Your momma is good at dat, momma can only do it if she has a pattern, did she uses a pattern at all?


  13. Totally pawsome Jack-o-lanterns!!!
