Saturday, October 10, 2009

Make ur Own Boris-o-Lantern

Human2 did werk hard at carvin out dat pumpkin ta looks just like me, but her not haz a stencil until today! Herz did werk just az hard at makin dis stencil so dat all anipals (and herz) can makin der very own ME-O-LANTERN for halloween!

All u need iz a medium sized pumpkin. Den u cuts out a lid n removing all da guts! (Iffen u wants u can separates da guts from da seeds n roasting dem ---da seeds not da guts, MOL.)

Since u haz to have ma snoot shining thru da pumpkin u mights wanna scrap from da insides sum more of dat pumpkin meats (wif dat u could makes a pumpky pie frum scratches). Dat way u haz less scrapin n scratchin from da fronts!

So downloading this way cool Boris Jack-o-Lantern for a spooky, cooky Halloween wif u pal -- Boris! dawgy pals can gets sum way cool doggy stencils over at


  1. Fur ma pals wot not wants ta sign up at I can sends u da dog stencils...or maybe I posty dem here too (on Monday cause dey on anutter puter).

  2. Dis so cool dood! Da lady gonna make one today and tellz da sisfurcats it's a Bugs-O-Lantern.

  3. That is so cool Boris! I wonder if I can make a Boris-O-Lantern. It might take me a week since I think I would have to use a small knife.

  4. I want one! I want one! Mooooooom, make me a Me-O-Lantern! Boris looks just like me, so it should be EASY! ::spin:: pleeze? ::spin::

  5. Da lady made one for me, and it only took her a week. MOL! Tanks you for da pattern!

    Dat BorisKitty-O-Lantern is so cool!

  6. Also, yoo can bake the seedzes frum the guts in salt and they make good hooman treats and also iz fun to chase when they fresh and slippery.

  7. Loki...we iz carvin a new boris-o-lantern dis week fur Halloween and we iz gonna bake dem seedzes up! Human1 finks da seddzes iz nommy!

  8. Anonymous1:52 PM

    this is soooo cool!! mum is so clever :) x x

  9. THis is spOOKtacular Boris. What a brilliantly clever idea!!!!
