Friday, September 03, 2010

New Fridggy-ator

First it wuz a new floor (wot I no likes I mite tells you -- I slip & slide on it too much when I tries to gib kitchen lubbins).

Den der wuz dat dishwasher wif dat kitteh in it wot goes wooosh woosh woosh.

Now we gots a new refrigerator and I can no gets in it! I lubbed gettin ma nose in da fridggy-ator whenever da humanz did open it. Now I all freaked out about di snew one wot I can no reach!

Besides da fact dat I can no gets it da fridggy no more, dat kitteh iz in der teasin me too! How comes dat kitteh be in everyfings?

I finks I wants ma old fridge back! Dis one skeers me.


  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Oooooh shiny...

  2. Whap him! Show him who owns that fridge and house.

  3. They humanz duz it on purpus! Her gotted some new bed an I iz skarded of teh hole bedroom! If I wuz you I wud nots go in dat kitchen anymores!

  4. Oh boy - I hope you don't has to share your kibble with dat other kitty!! He looks like he is stalking you too.

  5. Just give it a good whap and show it that you are the BossCat!

  6. That strange appliance kitty is every where!

  7. It's a pretty handsome kitty tho, isn't it my friend?
