I doz know dis seems like I iz being self servin here, but we really doz needs a new camera n it really iz gonna be used fur takin pikshurs of da poor lil anipals wot needs forever homes in our area. Human2 iz so strapped fur cash or herz would just goes n buys it herz self, but herz can no do it wot wif us kittehs n all da utter fings herz doz.
U already nose ma werk wif ma cuzin kittehs a takin pikshurs to halp get dem homes. Wot u don't know iz we also did do werks in da past wif a schipperke rescue group. We doz photo documentations of events likes da walks fur da animals dat da human society doz hab.
Unfortunately our SLR did go kaflooy da utter weekends when we did go on our walkie wif Shawnee n most of our pikshurs no did turn out. We still haz a mostly werkin points-n-shoots, but da digital SLR wot we use for all gud photo takin haz gone bad. And dat makes us sad.
We iz werkin hard at getting ready fur anutter donation visitation likes when we tooks all dem toys n treats over, but we needs dis camera by den. Also any extras $ affer da camera n lenses iz buyed will be gibbed to one of da local shelters along wif our time. So puhleez
consider donating just a dollar or two or more if u can affords it ta halp us out.
Fank you beary much!