So halp us all geek out by using dese hash tags in ur posts n watch sum star treks or do sumfin a lil geeky MOL.
Hashtags fur ta use on Oct 1st #TrekDay #LiveLongandPawsper #BorisBunch
Cute little kitty pictures and videos, plus his reviews on his favorite toys and treats. This was started by his humans and then taken over by Boris himself. Now he iz out to savin da werld one kitteh at a time!
The ARL is contributing to the production of Camelot in a very special way. One of our older adoptable dogs will be in a scene of the play. The ARL will be present at each production with information about the organization. And you will have the chance to visit with the dog who “stars” in the show!
Friday, Sept. 11 at 7:30 pm, Saturday, Sept. 12 at 7:30 pm, Sunday, Sept. 13 at 3:00 pm
Miller Center for the Arts
Reading Area Community College
2nd & Penn St., Reading
Tickets are $25. For more information about the Reading Fall Festival of the Arts, please go to their web site: http://fallfestivalofthearts.homestead.com/Theatre.html
Az u may already know ma fishy wishy iz one of ma favorite toys. Human2 comes home and we play wif fishy wishy almost every night. I gets luvins and da fishy gets kilt!
I dun spoked to da fine folks wot makes dis here wunnerful toy and dey be kind enough to let me hab a contesty so dat I can get sum of dem Yeowww! catnip toys into your paws too!
Of course if you can no wait until da end of da contesty you can heads over to great stores likes CatToys.com or SuppliesJust4Pets.com to buy you ur own fishy wishy (dey come highly recommended by urs truly).
So dis contesty iz purrty easy all you gotta do iz gib me sum suggestions fur naming ma sea monster n enter u info. Winner will be drawn from all entries so everybody wot enters haz a chance ta win!
So go name ma sea monster fur a chance ta win dis here great pwize pack from my sponsor Ducky World / Yeowww! Catnip.
Den da lucky winner wif da bestest name will gets a fishy wishy from BorisKitty.com and CatToys.com! (international entries okie dokie for dis part on contesty...don't not enters acause u not in US)
First part of dis contesty ends 9/25/09 so git ta thinkin up sum cool names! Final name choosin will be on 9/30/09
Enter Now to win da kewl YEOWWW! CATNIP pwize.
Gud Luck!