So Tam wuz acidin should I bring her in ta hab dem babehs or not. Well dat Cali acided fur herz n comed in, got on da couch n had dem babehs right der! Dat wuz two weeks ago (I showed dem off earlier). Dese here lil babeh kittehs iz growing up so fast. Eyes iz open. Wobbly legs iz getting dem around in der box. Gud lungs fur hissin at strangers pokin around at dem!
So cuzin Tam wented from zero kittehs to six kittehs over night! Fanks to Cali, Belle and dem four new lil ones! Herz will be adoptin dem out when dey iz old enuffs. One already haz a home! YAY! When all babies be gone Cali n Belle will be getting spayed -- i fink dat da same as fixed, but i not fink dem iz broken.

Aint dey sweet!?! How many u wants?

Human2's cousin is a good human to take in so many kitties all at once!
ReplyDeleteThem kittens are so so precious! We hope they all find great furever homes!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could take them all. They are too precious.
Good thing we got to this before our humans did, or they'd take 'em all! Cali does look like a good mother...
ReplyDeleteThey are very sweet babies! Tam is a good human to help these babies!
ReplyDeleteThey are so sweet. You should have no problem finding them homes. They are so colorful. It is such a good idea to get the adult kitties all fixed up.
ReplyDeleteWhat cute babies! Your cousin is a nice person to take such good care of them and their mommies!
ReplyDeleteCharlemagne and Tamar
Cuzin Kittehs Cali and Belle is not brokened, silly Boris! Getting fixed means fixin it so there be no more baby kittehs wot there is aready too many of wifout furever homes. They shore is kewt tho! (I is still BOLing over the comments you lefted on my blog.)
ReplyDeleteAw, Boris... they're so cute. I want them ALL! Good thing your human's cuzin is doing for them and their momma!
ReplyDeleteVery cute, and a hodge podge of colors and markings :)