While da Walkie Fur da Anipals iz dis Caturday, I will be able to collect donations for a whiles affer. So no worries iffen u can gibs now or needs ta waits until affer da pawpawty. And u no need to gib lots ever lil bit counts n it all goes to da anipals in need.
We have $200 so far n dat iz just pawsum.
Fanks agin, u guys iz da bestest ever!!!
That's wonderful, Boris. This must give you such satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteIt do. I iz proud of ma anipals!
ReplyDeleteThat's great Boris! I just put in my two cents worth. Wish I had four cents to give. *ducky hugs*
ReplyDeleteWe talked our Momma into sending some green papers and her work does match stuff so hopefully, there will be more green papers from them!
ReplyDeleteCharlemagne and Tamar
Just donated! Go Boris!! :)