Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ma BlogPaws Peeps Did Wins

Wahoo ma BlogPaws Peeps diorama dat I did makes fur Fido Friendly Magazines Peeps contesty did place 4th!

Da dogs wot winned ovah me were mighty cute in der Peeps scenes so I dunt hold it agin dem. Sides I did it fur da funs.  (Although I would hab liked a new fountain from Drinkwell.)

I will be donating ma pwize to da doggies at da Animal Rescue League of Berks County. Dem sweet doggies needs da treats more den I doz.

Concats to all da winners!


  1. Concats! That's awful cutes an I think youz rill talented wiv they peeps. Those doggies iz gonna be rill happy wiv yer pwize. *pawhug*

  2. Yay Boris. That's pawsome. Now that the contesty's over do you get to eat the peeps?

  3. congrats! those were fun to see!

  4. Woohoo - cause for celebration time. Congratulations to your peeps.

  5. Congrats, Boris!! I thought your diorama was very're #1 to me :D

  6. So you're a winner and now those doggies at ARL of BC are winners too! Uh...#winning? BOL! ;)

  7. OMD. Peeps at BlogPaws?! That's so stinking cooool!
