Sunday, November 14, 2010

Let's Put da Bitey on Da Bills

U knows I'm tryin to halp out Peanut and herz human wif da vet bills. Many of u haz alreddy donated and I fanks u all.

I wanna meets ma goal & gib dem a great fanks gibbin dis year.

Peanut wuz shot by an evil human wot not care fur anipal lifes.

I habbing a small pawty on Twitter wif ma anipal furends to raising money for to halp dat Peanut wif dem bills.

Der will be funs, sum quizzes wif pwizes and lots of merriment in celebration of Peanuts great life.

So we doing a PAWTY tomorrow at 6pm to 10pm. Wif hashtag #HalpPeanut.

Invite is here:

Donate Links is here:

More about Peanut iz here:

More about r fund raiser is here:


  1. Bless Peanut's heart! And bless your heart, Boris, for helping him! I hope you reach your goal!

  2. So sorry I missed your party dear friend. M is always gone every other Monday night. Darn. You do such good work to help all the anipals. This one was in particular a very sad story. Bless you for helping dis cute little kitty.
