Friday, June 25, 2010

Kitteh World Cup - Who Should Wins

We played soccer wif da cutest kittehs in da werld today at da Humane Society of Berks County. We took sum new toys one of which wuz a Kitty Cuz and dem lil kittehs sure did likes dat toy. Dey played and played wif it! Dey iz good soccer players fur sure. Watch both videos and den votes on who u finks should wins dis Kitty World Cup.

Kitty World Cup Game 1

Team 1: Chico, Juanita, and Taco

Kitty World Cup Game 2

Team 2: Harvey (or Harold not sure), Hannah and Hope

Kitteh soccer rocks!

Don't furgets dat all dem cutie pies iz able to be adopted at  Humane Society of Berks County.


  1. Oh Gosh - both teams are really good. Hmmm, tough decision. I would say the second team because all participated longer. Team 1 seemed to get side tracked sometimes. Good luck on making the decision. Glad you has to and not me. Hope they get adopted cuz they certainly are cuties.

  2. Wonderful teams. I vote for Team 2 because I see a little more teamwork from them. Very close though. tough decision

  3. We liked both. Game 2 players showed teamwork. But we had to vote for Game 1 because the players had some exciting moves.


    That looks like so much fun my friend!

  5. I voted for team 2 because I love their white socks. thanks for the videos. They made me smile.

  6. Fanks you fur postin bof videos. It was a very difficult desishun, but I went wif team 2 cus dey was really werkin togethur.

  7. I like how the kittehs in team 1 woz trying to do distrakshuns wif the goalie by playing pawsie wif him unner the door so they could try to score by stuffing the ball unner the door coz the goalie paws shubbed it back!

  8. Thank you for the Gotcha Day wishes, Boris. I'm glad you were able to pop by the pawty for a bit. yay! *ducky hugs*

  9. Awesome! Great videos.

  10. Those kitties make soccer look like a lot of fun!
