Wednesday, June 02, 2010

I Lubs Greenies Treats

I gotted a package in da mails frum ma furends at da Greenies company (@GREENIESBrand @reneeatnutro) cause I wuz tellin dem about ma sisfur Abby needin pills everyday for furever and dat we could no finds da noo Allergy Formula Pill Pockets no wheres. Az u can sees I did gets sum really nommy Feline Greenies in fishy flavors too (mehbe I will shares dem wif da sisfurs, den agin mehbe not).

See how dem Greenies do keeps your teeths pearly white? But dey do werks betterer iffen u opens da package n eats da nommy treats inside.

Mmmmm looks at all dem nommy gud treats! Iffen u no likes da Ocean Fishy flavors dey haz utter flavors available too! Likes Beef, Salmon, Chicken and Tuna. Nommy!

I did gobble dem all up. YUM! (I did even share dem wif da sisfurs.)

I doz lub dem Greenies sooooo much!


  1. OMC, Boris...did you gobble dem ALL up at oncet? Don't get a belleh ache, now!

  2. You are a lucky kitty go get greenies

  3. Did somebody say GREENIES?!?!?! You share wif me, bestest furrend Boris? You knows how I do so lub the Greenies.

  4. Greeneies are the best. I like to play with mine before I eat them. They slide real good on the wood floors.

  5. Boris my friend, you speak true - Greenies are the BESTEST!!! We just wish we could get the pill pockets out here (not that we want to take pills, wait, if it means we get Greenies we do!)

  6. I can tell you really do like them, but I think you like the bag too!

  7. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Boris, tear right into those little treat monster!!

  8. Mom is melting with those beautiful pics of you and the Greenies. Bon appetit!

  9. Greeeeeenies! Greeeeeeenies! Mom thinks they smell funny, but I think they all deserve a fast-track ticket to my BELLY.

  10. I'll have to try them! You sure like you love them.

  11. I is so happy you like the Greenies cuz dey is good for toothies. I is all for protecting your toothies. (I can say dat now dat I don't have any!)

  12. We gots ta say, those Greenies are mighty fine, yes, they sure is☺
