Wednesday, January 26, 2011

And Den Der Wuz Two

Ma dear sweet sisfur Abby did cross da rainbow bridge tonight. Now it iz just me and her twin Bela left. Just us two kittehs now. We haz not felt da complete loss yet cause da humanz leaved wif her and den comed home alone crying. So it haz not sunk in yet dat herz won't be comin back.

Abby da Tabby, Abba-Dabba-Do, Abby-Normal, AbbyDabbyDibbyDay

Afore I did impose ma self on da fambly Abby wuz Human2's bestest bud evah and herz still wuz, i did just steal da spotlight frum dem utter kittehs wot lives here. Whenever Human2 would sit down dat Abby gotted on herz lap. Dat Abby would spoon wif her all night long or sleep in da hammock wot wuz made from blankie atween human2's side and da pillow herz would hug.

Sleepin on da kritter kondo

Dat Abby herz wuz a sweet old brown tiger kitteh wif a heart of gold. Herz could purr and purr fur hours on end. But when human1 would play da piano or sing sumtime Abby would sneak up on H1 and nip her face (don't worry it wuz just a little love bite). Herz always sitted aside Human1 on da piano bench when herz played. Abby never lerned to play da piano like dat Nora kitteh, but herz paid very close attenshuns when human1 would play.

Abby usin da pooter.

When ever Human2 would werk on da pooter dat Abby would pest to be up on herz lap. Herz would lay on da left leg and human2 could still use da pooter wif da right hand (cause da left wuz also holding up da kitteh). Sometimes herz would disrupt werk altogether.

Abby watchin TV

Abby wuz named affer Young Frankenstein. Abby-something-Abby-Normal. Herz and Bela (az in Lugosi) were both rescued from a mall store wot wuz in a mall dat wuz closin down. Iffen our humanz had not saved dem dey would hab growed up inside a cage wot wuz way too small for one kitteh let alone two. And der wuz no way dey wuz leaving der wif only one of dem. Dat wuz ovah 17 years ago.

Abby did gib da humanz 17 wunnerful years and herz will missed so beary beary much.

Abby Holding Human2

Abby cleanin dem toes.

Lookin ovah human2's shoulder.

Jungle Cat

Enjoyin da great outdoors

Age before beauty. MOL

Me wif ma 2 sisfurs wot crossed da RB, Picasso and Abby.