Sunday, December 19, 2010

Attack of da Christmas LEGOs

Da fings we kittehs put up wif...

I wuz halpin human2 makin LEGO ornaments fur our Christmas Tree and da minute ma back iz truned I am attacked by a bunch of wayward snowmenz!

Affer da snowmenz did gets me da lil peeps frum da xmas viallage did come up and play on me! Da kid throwed snowballs at me and da girl did ski down ma white slopes!

I tried to thwok da snowball thrower but it wuz to much hard werk fur me. Fank goodness da skiing girl iz almost down.

Wot da hai now? Christmas trees and decoratin too! Deck da Boris wif balls of holly fa-la-la-la-la-la...MOL

Merry CatMouse every buddy! (dis da last time I halpin build LEGO sets!)


  1. he he - you are such a good sport to help your peeps out. Those are pretty cute lego men.

  2. Wow, what a good cat you are buddy!

  3. That is so cool! The debil kittehs wouldn't stay still for pictures like that-they would just try nomming the Legos, I think.

  4. Katie Cat8:11 PM

    Your humans are SO COOL. Mine are boring. Wanna trade?

  5. Sounds like those Lego people took advantage of your good nature. Merry Christmas to you and Humans 1 and 2.

  6. awww you do love your Legos!
    They look like fun Boris.

  7. Gotta watch those legos - they can be sneaky!

    Have a meowy catmas!

  8. That has to be considered kitty abuse, doesn't it?!

  9. Oh Dude dem snowmanz beetin da tar outta u!

  10. good for you for snoozing right through all that. Have a great day.

    pawhugs, Max

  11. wow, you are very kind to those leggo peoples! I might have had to put the bitey on them!!

  12. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Happy Holidays Boris!!!

  13. I fink dat Buttons iz rite dis kitteh abuses!

    I did eventually thwok dem off da table a couple a times. MOL!

  14. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Is there a spray or human trap you could use for them?
